Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Treasure Hunt Map and Key

Sold to the print edition of Dollar Stretcher. Reprint rights are available for purchase.

This article outlines how to get a pass that will admit you to hundreds of museums for the cost of one museum's membership. It begins:

Have you gone to your local museum lately? Perhaps you've been offered a membership but have done the math and realized you might not attend the same museum the four to ten times in one year it would take to make the investment worth it.

There is a small item in the fine print of many museum membership packages that might make a membership pay off well for you.

It is called a reciprocal list.

A "reciprocal list" is a perk many organizations offer to sweeten a membership deal. It works like this:

Take, for example, a children's museum. The Las Vegas Lied Children's Museum belongs to the Association of Science Technology Centers (ASTC) and the Association of Children's Museums Institutions. The Lied participates in the reciprocal programs for both these organizations. When you purchase a membership to the Lied, you will be issued a card bearing the logos of the ASTC and the Association of Children's Museums Institutions. You will also be given a copy of the reciprocal list. The list is your treasure map and the card is your key to the wealth of great experiences available at participating museums.

For more information, contact kellogg.rebecca (at)

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